Over here, I recorded my Internet visit history;
Over here, I recorded my LIFE
Over here, I recorded my Internet visit history;
Over here, I recorded my LIFE
Intro Recently, I installed fedora 39, then I just installed rpmfusion to install Nvidia driver, the installation’s version is 545.29.06. When I installed CS2 / Genshin Impact and mincraft, it was causing regular stuttering and frame drop issues. So I considered downgrade the Nvidia-driver Directly downgrade On fedora, I recommand to use this command: sudo dnf downgrade nvidia-* –exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware –allowerasing It should tell you what version to downgrade is. Withoud --allowerasing, the package to downgrade will be blocked because its dependencies do not allow like akmod-nvidia, with this flag, its dependcies will be downgraded at the same time, you can check your other package like akmod-nvidia....
Silverblue offically provice toobox as a container, you can manage it with podman. But sometime it cannot meet our needs, thus we need to install docker. Following offcial document, you will find that docker cannot be installed. Here is how I deal with this. Installing Docker and Docker Compose Don’t need to install docker-ce or any other package, just running rpm-ostree ostree install docker to install Docker. if needed, you can run rpm-ostree ostree install docker to install docker-compose....