Windows 开箱即用(Windows OTG)

Refs to: 在这篇少数派博客里面,我终于知道了原来 Windows 也能拥有勉强能用的 Terminal 自动补全体验,我在这里需要记录我自己安装 Windows 之后需要配置的命令环境,可以节省我重装 Windows 重新配置所浪费的时间。 Commands # run as admin at the command below Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser # scoop installations Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') # scoop apps preinstallation scoop install 7zip git # scoop install 3rd buckets scoop bucket add extras scoop bucket add dorado # scoop install apps scoop install busybox sudo scoop-completion scoop-search python scoop install everything geekuninstaller volta # add scoop configure Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "`nImport-Module $env:USERPROFILE\scoop\modules\scoop-completion" Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "`Invoke-Expression (&scoop-search --hook)" # Change Keymaps to Emacs sudo Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -force Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs" Thanks @MS @柯帕Kepa

五月 11, 2022 · Paang Cheung